They found a blob creature with curly tentacles hiding in a crater near Triton Station. The team began to panic when it followed them back to the airlock. After a garbled mayday, a strange voice transmitted that everything was fine now.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 5, 2022.
Blood, torn flesh & arteries. Terrible pain & doctors all around. The secret is, this is what happened to Elvis, Crick & Einstein. Something’s waiting on a gurney beside me – grey, short legs, big eyes. It’s called a blank & they’re going to put my mind inside it.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 2, 2022.
It started on Orion’s arm: a star here & there that flickered & vanished. Then some that were closer – Ross 128 & Tau Ceti. One after another, they disappeared. I looked outside today & the sun was flashing. By my calculations, we have less than 15 seco…
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 1, 2022.
The officer pulled the cardboard back, expecting a homeless person inside. “I wouldn’t do that,” an old lady with messy hair & missing teeth warned. Underneath, a cocoon had formed – white & fluffy like a silkworm spun it. The old lady said, “I’m becoming…”
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 31, 2021.
The Arch was supposed to be a pleasure to fly, like a sailboat on a sunny day. Remember how we had our whole launch day planned out? How we were going to have steak and eggs, like they used to back when just making orbit was a big deal?
Then, together…
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 30, 2021.
My brother ran from the farm, shouting, “I saw two angels falling: one Seraph, and the other, a Principality. They fought in the sky – each of them thrashing – and they fell on old Bessy, out there, in the pasture.”
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 29, 2021.
They’d finally found proof aliens seeded humanity & now the artifact was missing. The doctor desperately wondered who would have had the motive to take it. His partner? The locals they’d hired to dig? The Philanthropist? Or was it the guide who’d led them to the crater?
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 28, 2021.
While peeling the skin off a clementine, I found myself wondering… Plants are alive, right? Like pigs & chickens, but different. They have flesh & cells & juicy insides. We’re like that. Maybe, as I pull the fruit apart, it’s suffering in ways I don’t understand.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 27, 2021.
I snuck onto a UFO that landed in a field. The aliens got out, looked around, as I went up the ramp & hid behind the hyper-warp inducer coil. They got back on board & closed the door. We lifted off before they found me. Now I’m a passenger on my way to Toa-Alpha Persei.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 26, 2021.
Charles taught me how to crack walnuts in my palm, how Christmas bulbs pop like little bombs. When I found an ugly rock, he cut it in half, revealing a hidden crystalline. One day, he shattered his knee. It was just like him – breaking things open for me to see.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, indie author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 25, 2021.
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