“You’re a hero,” Princess Lolly said.
“And Mr. Mint?” Gloppy growled. “They dragged him from the Crooked Old Peanut Brittle House, his screams echoing across the Gumdrop Mountains. He was the hero.”
King Kandy sat down on a big green gumdrop. “But you saved the land.”
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, indie author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 24, 2021.
There’s a reason people warned the time-travelling paleontologist about changing Earth’s past. A portal went to a bleak volcano. Lava all around, shaking ground & he knew in 65 million years, he’d find his own fossil to lead him there again.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, indie author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 23, 2021.
Happy Holidays
A Santa with a dirty beard & breath like gin, chased Jess down an alleyway. He caught her, knocked her out & dumped her in his trunk. When he opened it up again, she hit him in the head. She took his watch, his wallet, his hat and said, “Happy Holidays, Saint Nick.”
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, indie author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 22, 2021.
Foolishly, the boss let his son travel whenever he wanted.
“Open the gate,” the little punk told the guard, a couple of girls laughing in the back seat.
The guard nodded, his badge glinting in the searchlight. The kid had no idea the old man was already dead.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, indie author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 21, 2021.
The base had to be evacuated in the middle of the night. An asteroid had taken out the air processors & the colonists were running out of O2 fast. They’d hoped to take shelter in the solarium, but the Doctor’s living-slime experiment was there, waiting for them.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 18, 2021.
The priest snatched the tiny statue of the serpent, the idol of the wicked one. “Where did you get this?” he asked the girl, crushing it under his foot.
“A woman at the market,” she answered with a devilish grin. “And she’s given one to all the children.”
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 18, 2021.
Instead of waiting around to see if all the UFOs & other strange sightings were the enemy, Earthlings chose a different course. They sent their finest warriors out with the most advanced weapons, cutting-edge training & an unparalleled love for the homeworld.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 17, 2021.
The Nutcracker
Music swept over the town from the church. Everyone went to see The Nutcracker that icy time of year. Krampus knew they’d all be there, laughing, cajoling, enjoying the fanfare. That’s when he’d poison turkeys, sharpen icicles & put smartphones under their trees.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 16, 2021.
Crater Valley
No one lived in the crater valley. Imagine our surprise when an entire town appeared there overnight. We climbed the hill for a closer look. The place seemed like it came from the future, 100 years or more. And the people were ghosts who acted like we weren’t even there.

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 15, 2021.
A damn space alien was living in our attic – a teddy bear with fangs. The kids found its tiny ship, crashed in the creek. The feds showed up with their guns & clipboards, but we’re not helpless. We’d already gutted it, stuffed it, and given it to Fido to chew on.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on December 14, 2021.
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