
In 3123, teenagers on Mars have a ritual. Bilhee is at the airlock. Her friends are inside, cheering in safety. 30 seconds with no helmet, that’s the challenge. Her glove touches the button & she wonders if she’ll make it.

Jul 15, 2021



A god called Quetzalcoatl – The Feathered Serpent – was worshipped by the fierce Aztec. The supernatural serpent, plumed in cosmic colours, didn’t seek the blood of sacrifice, like so many others – preferring instead just some nicely cut flowers.

Jul 14, 2021

📷Paul Mudie


Ancient people invented the gargoyle to frighten bad spirits away – terrifying monsters made real to address the ongoing problem of non-physical, formless, soundless, invisible, ineffectual, intangible, imperceptible, unaccounted, vague, scary things.

Jul 13, 2021

📷Denis Oliveira

The Alliance of Carnival Providers

Bob was eaten by a bear. Suzy fell off the high-wire. The Human Cannonball proposed a union – The Alliance of Carnival Providers. Fire-eaters roared like dragons, the Bearded Lady sang, “Stand Brothers & Sisters!” & angry clowns asked for better conditions.

Jul 12, 2021

📷Cade, Unsplash


The population was out of control. Billions and billions, forming an inescapable stench. The news was crushing – all those lives, all that work – but we had to start again. The yogurt scientist flushed the bacterial sample down the drain.

Jul 11, 2021

📷Daniel Fazio

Click the Light

Heard bumps in the night
Open my eyes, click the light
That damn ghost again!

Jul 10, 2021

📷Florian Lidin


The beast we seek killed two men and gored a sheep. We hunt this prey by bow, though I would greatly prefer a musket. Ezekiel pulled back a tree branch and the devilish, one-horned horse-creature was there, waiting for us.

Jul 9, 2021


I chase Martians. Made an accidental discovery when I found one by moonlight in an abandoned station wagon. It had tried to find safety, time to heal – but I lasered it, burning it there and then.

Jul 9, 2021



There’s a beach on Titan. Hydrocarbon waves wash over granulated cryogenic condensates. The sky is orange & hides all the other moons, stars, and Saturn. I’d like to build a cabin there, with bricks of primordial ice – a place I can stay and do what I like.

Jul 8, 2021



The men in white come closer. “I don’t need therapy!” shouts the sculptor. “Just give me my chisel, and a decent block of marble.”

Jul 7, 2021

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