Into the Woods

People were starving in the time of Hansel & Gretel. The kids ran away from home because their parents were about to eat them. As they went into the woods, they didn’t have bread & they certainly didn’t leave a trail. There was no witch. Their parents caught them.

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 20, 2022.


I was out walking, five past midnight. Went to a gas station for a pack of cigarettes & some chewing gum. My girl hates it when I come home drunk. Gave the clerk my money & got back outside. The stars were falling – not just one or two, but all of them at the same time.

Falling Stars GIF

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 16, 2022.


Saturn rise
From the dark.
Up high, her rings churn.
That is the sky,
Iapetus turn.
My dome station,
Garden air,
Countless generations,
Our people survived there.
Trees tall & slender,
Grasses, lake & beasts protected.
Fly well sacred spear.
Bring duck, fish & hare.

grand finale animation GIF

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 15, 2022.


After crossbreeding several species, someone created a tree that grew higher than Olympus. The branches touched the sky & the roots descended all the way to Earth’s fiery core. The roots caught fire, then the trunk & branches. Soon the world was covered in ashes.

3D Burn GIF by Pi-Slices

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 14, 2022.


A probe searched for life on planet 3 around the nearby star, Proxima Centauri b. After detecting a bioluminescent signature, it descended into the cloud layer & vanished from sensors. The aliens sent a probe of their own & now we have a full moon every night.

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 13, 2022.


Shackleton Casino,
Air escaped into space,
Chips floated,
I gambled.
Robot security
Didn’t see.

animation domination fox GIF by gifnews

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 12, 2022.


The Keepers wanted to know how people once told stories. They chose a cast of men & women, gave them costumes & a script. Though they’d never been on a stage before, the humans did well & when the curtain fell in a flurry of plastic roses, the robots clapped & wept.

Robots Come On GIF

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 9, 2022.


Someone screamed outside. The kids quietly packed as their mother crept toward the window. The neighbourhood was burning, cars crashed in the street. The man next door, Mr. Simmons, lay in the road twitching as giant spiders gathered around him & began to eat.

vintage spider GIF

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 8, 2022.


I remember an event, strange & disconnected. Not sure when it happened or who was there. Sometimes I think it was a dream – some dazed hallucination – but that can’t be it. Like a strobe light in my mind I can’t deny. Aliens are real & they’re watching.

Its Happening Area 51 GIF by MOODMAN

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 8, 2022.


Bob used to run a junkyard for old aircraft. Nobody noticed he was missing until someone tried to scrap an a320 & got bit by his dog. They never found Bob’s body, and since I kept Fido, I like to think he patched together a plane from spare parts & moved to Hawaii.

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on January 6, 2022.

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