Workers on the Demos research station had to suit-up when the seals blew-out in their hab. After a few hours, the new guy started complaining about the conditions. While the others worked, Bob locked him up in the broom closet, saying, “Safe & sound, snowflake.”
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on November 6, 2021.
Bob drew the short stick. “Listen,” the Dr said. “Once you’re inside the device, you’ll be working against extreme centrifugal forces. Work fast. Open panel G4 to deactivate the thyodide circuit.” Then he quietly added, “Thank you for your sacrifice, old friend.”
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on November 4, 2021.
At first, we thought it was us: our boys waking up in the middle of the night & just strolling out into no-man’s-land. Bang! 5 dead in 1 week. Then their guys started doing it too. We got 3 last night. Everyone’s scared to sleep now – scared they’re going to sleepwalk.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on November 3, 2021.
They warned me not to bother – said he wasn’t worth it – but I’ll be damned before I leave anyone behind. Even him. I wandered until twilight, down dusky streets and abandoned alleyways, until I found his house… all boarded-up. It was too late. He’d already left.
Sorrowful Morning
Last night, instead of the good being taken to heaven, the damned were dragged to hell. The wise men, with their dusty old books, say it was the anti-rapture. The screams have finally gone – and on this terrible, sorrowful morning, I just want to say… told you so.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on September 28, 2021.
The sun is down, and the fire turns to glowing coals as I savor the last of my meal – a young rabbit that had the misfortune of hopping through our camp. The pelt smoulders to ashes as I pick my teeth with one of its bones. Now, something’s snarling right behind me.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on September 27, 2021.
Getting on the train was a brash choice, but there wasn’t much time. An old woman’s staring. She’s one of them. They’re everywhere, following me. The conductor’s walking down the aisle, asking for tickets. I can’t stay here…
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on September 26, 2021.
The bus was late – Number 2, heading downtown. That’s when I heard God & the Devil talking, sitting on a bench in the rain.
The Lord said, “You’ve been busy as hell.”
Most terrifying of all, the Wicked One answered, “Actually… I’ve been on vacation.”
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on September 25, 2021.
“Don’t!” he shouts from behind the pressure door. Her hand hesitates over the button. She still wears the necklace he gave her on that night, but that isn’t him. She stares at him through the glass. There’s no fear in his eyes – only rage. Only the alien.
Terrifying Screams
When they turned the machine on, the ground shook & the sky filled with soot. The engine, an eternal furnace of white-hot fury, brought horrifying, self-articulating life – and the terrifying screams of those who lit the fire were extinguished in an instant.
Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on September 23, 2021.
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