
Midnight. The children slipped quietly from their beds & went out into the dark. Under the light of a crescent moon, they crept toward the graveyard. A breeze tinged with fragrant rot & the noxious fumes of the embalmer deepened their trance, drawing them forward.

Resident Evil Horror GIF by CAPCOM

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on May 14, 2022.


Alizandrus escaped the loving embrace of his carer, a giant streptococcus named Cyrus. He got past the guard at the hall of Galaxis, slipped into the chambers of Ever & there, betrayed, his uncle the King lay dying. “Leave for Earth now,” commanded the King. “Hurry.”

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on May 7, 2022.


1000 souls moved, screaming as one, as the heaving mass of twisted flesh approached. A crooked arm reached forward just as a blaze of bullets tore it to twitching shreds. “Thanks,” the boy said with a whimper. “No sweat,” answered a woman’s voice from the shadows.

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on May 2, 2022.


Doc handed his prescription to the engineer – their last swig of gin until spring. The shelter groaned under the cold & ice as old Jim took the cup with trembling hands. “So much blood,” he said. “It’s odd. If a bear ate our sled dogs, why didn’t I find any tracks?”

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on April 30, 2022.


My cousin lived by the ocean. One day, he told me he’d found some old caves near the water. A week later, he died in a car accident. Before the burial, a strange man came to pay his respects. I saw him #hide a gold coin in the coffin & whisper, “You dropped this.”

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on April 18, 2022.


The writer smacked & tapped & struck the keys on a worn-out Olivetti typewriting machine. Fingers bled, nails chipped off, blister after blister broken past meat & bone. The page is free from the gripper & the tale is perfect – its sole ambition, to be horrific.

Blood Bleeding GIF

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on April 16, 2022.


The judge handed down a sentence of 0.625 seconds – hard time for anyone to move as fast as light. The prisoner climbed into the pod & blew a kiss. It would seem like a blink to him, but when he came back this way, eons will have passed & with them, anyone who cared.

Anime Warp GIF

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on April 15, 2022.


“Thanks for coming, Padre. A lot of us out here have lost hope.” As a veteran of the service, the commander often forgot how new arrivals reacted when they first saw the planet. The priest stared through the window, at Jupiter circling far below, and said, “I quit.”

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on March 25, 2022.


Pulsating pimples popped, profusely pumping putrid, pungent pink-pudding pus.

Easy Plus Foodie GIF

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on March 23, 2022.


In spring 1932, me & the boys were laying copper line through the hills near railroad #9. At dark, stuck close to our fire, we listened as the banshee wailed, like she always did at night. Beckon us she did & Charlie went with his axe in hand & he never came back.

Dark Woods Scared GIF

Originally tweeted by C. Anthony Biron, Indie Author (@CAnthonyBiron) on March 12, 2022.

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